Badajoz College of Social Work

Made in:  Plataforma Android Plataforma página web

Client: Badajoz Social Work College





Private app to receive alerts

In an emergency or a warning, workers will receive an alert on their phones to be informed of the latest news published in their private administration panel. All in real time.

App de Android para Trabajo Social de Badajoz

Private administration panel

In collaboration with the company Witzone we developed this administration panel, so that when an alert occurs in the region, all workers who have the App installed are informed and alerted from the private administration panel.

A push notification will be sent to their phones and by clicking on the alert it will be displayed in detail.

Informative website

Web also made by Witzone so that the public is informed of the latest news, congresses and other events, a web page was created in WordPress and so that it could be easily edited by doctors.

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