Development for Android and iOS apps

Development for Android and iOS apps

We make development for Android and iOS apps for any project, adapting it to the corporate image of the company and applying the design to make the User Experience unique on each platform, making a perfect development free of bugs and optimized operation.

Native apps on Android

We use the Android Studio framework to build native Android Apps, programming all the code, taking care of the graphic design and applying the User Experience, and finally we proceed to upload the App on Play Store.

Native apps on iOS

We use Apple’s Xcode framework to develop native Apps on Swift 5.0 language. We program all the code, taking care of the graphic design applying the Apple style guides, and finally we proceed to the launch the App on App Store.

Android e iOS Developer

Experts in the sector

We have been advising and developing projects for large companies nationally and internationally for many years, without the language was a problem, or the technology to be developed being an impediment. We make any development to make true.

Imagen corporativa App

A native app for you

Forget about hybrid apps full of problems to patch, or very basic designs. We design your app on a blank canvas to make it perfect.

No technological barriers

We have no limits. Tell us what you need and we will develop it from start to finish.

Direct deal with us

From you to you.

No multidisciplinary teams in which you are not sure who you are talking to.

Native Android and iOS apps

100% native apps

Consulting for app development and strategy to follow

Graphic design applying User Experience (UI / UX)

Integration of Apps with Backend panel to manage the data shown on the App.

Integration with reading news and WordPress articles. 100% native programming, not with Webview.

Development of the API for App-Server connection.

Quality control and testing phase.

Push notifications

Integration of analytics such as Google Analytics, Appsflyer, Firebase Crashlytics and Performance...

Firebase Authentication SDK integration, Firebase Dynamic Links...

Google Admob advertising integration (or others)

In-App payment integration with license verification to avoid piracy.

Integration of other third-party SDKs.

Launch of the App to Play Store and Apple Store.

Analytics para Apps - Firebase

Our methodology

1- Set goals

We will analyze your project and explain the strategy to follow for development.

2- Prototype design

Our design team will shape the design of your project, creating a Mockup so you can give the go-ahead.

3- Programming

The previously approved designs will begin to be applied on the App. All the programming code will be program too.

4- Monitor development

We will upload the Apps privately so that you can test it every week and thus see the evolution of the project.

5- QA and quality control

After the development is finished, we will do a full test to make sure everything works 100% correctly.

6- Launch

Once the App is 100% complete and free of bugs, it will be launched on App Store and Play Store.

Don’t wait any longer and order your great project right now.

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