Fast Fuel – Gas Stations

Gas Station – Fast Fuel

Customer loyalty app and promotional videos for the company.

Made in:  Plataforma Android   Plataforma iOS   Plataform website

Cliente: Gas station – Fast Fuel.


Platform Android   Platform iOS

About the project

Project made for the Fast Fuel gas station, consisting of two executions:

  1. Realization of App for Android & iOS for customer loyalty and facilitate payment by Contactless
  2. Recording and editing of promotional videos to promote the franchise in the national media.
App Fast Fuel Fidelizar clientes
App Fast Fuel Fidelización de clientes

Applied technology

  • Native app on Android and iOS.
  • Generation of QR code of clients.
  • Integration with Google Pay and Apple Pay to make payments by Contactless.
  • Design according to the corporate image of the project.
  • SDK integration such as Firebase Analytics, Crashlytics, Performance.
  • Design and publication in the Play Store and App Store stores.

Promotional Videos – Showing the gas station

Two promotional videos were recorded and edited at the gas station in Hinojosa del Duque (Córdoba) and Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real).

Gas station Gasolinera Hinojosa del Duque (Córdoba)

Valdepeñas Gas Station (Ciudad Real)

Promotional videos – With you on your trip

Two promotional videos titled “With you on your trip” were recorded and edited. They were recorded at the gas stations in Hinojosa del Duque (Córdoba) and Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real).

With you on your trip – Hinojosa del Duque (Córdoba)

With you on your trip – Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real)

Promotional Videos – App Promotion for Android & iOS

1 promotional video was recorded and edited about the App made for Android & iOS.

App for Android & iOS

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