Custom Web Development

Custom Web Development

A website is very important to give visibility to your company, bring customers closer to your products to facilitate their purchases and in this way you will get higher income than a traditional business.

Custom WordPress design

We are not limited only to the WordPress CMS to create attractive web pages, but we can also program them to measure to modify existing templates, plugins and other characteristics, to make a totally customized website according to the requirements of your project.


We also turn WordPress into an e-commerce store for the sale and delivery of products online.


All the websites we make are responsive, so that they adapt to computers and phones / tablets.

Website Club Deportivo Marista Badajoz

Custom Prestashop  design

Web en Prestashop

We also develop websites in Prestashop, focused on online stores and home delivery of products.


We offer the possibility of totally modifying the Prestashop to measure, not to limit ourselves to the characteristics offered by the templates and plugins, but we can adapt it to the needs that the client requires.


All the websites we make are responsive, so that they adapt to computers and phones / tablets.

Custom managers

If you develop an App and you need a website where you can change and manage all the data that will be displayed on Android and iOS App, we develop Backend to manage the data of the App. you can control all the options of the App and even send notifications to mobile devices.

Intranet Carnival of Badajoz. Atresmedia. Onda Cero

SEO positioning

Posicionamiento SEO

We adapt websites to make it visible in search engines such as Google, Bing among others, because it’s the fundamental step to give visibility to your business and attract new customers.

Custom web pages

Custom WordPress development

Custom Prestashop development

Custom managers

SEO positioning

Social media integration

Contact forms

Responsive design

Integration with the Data Protection Act (GDPR)

Anti-hacking and anti-spam security

Web Ganadería Talavante

Don’t wait any longer and order your great project right now.

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