

The menu of your restaurant on your mobile

Made in:  Plataforma Android   Plataforma iOS   Plataforma página web

Client: Barragan Software’s project.


Plataforma Android   Plataforma iOS




Scan the QR code

The restaurant’s QR code is scanned in the App. All the menus they have in their respective languages ​​will be displayed.

Select your dishes

You will be able to select several dishes and even customize the ingredients of each one

Make the order to kitchen

When placing the order, a QR code appears on the client’s mobile phone that the waiter must scan to authorize the order. This one will come to the kitchen directly.

Table management

The waiters will be able to manage the tables, see the orders of each one, the pending orders.

When a customer requests the bill, the waiter can send the bill directly to the customer’s mobile to proceed to pay.

Restaurant administration panel

From the administration panel, the restaurant will be able to add new menus (menu of food, drink, dessert …), it will be able to include it in several languages.

Dishes can be added to each menu, including a photo, allergen information, as well as stock control.

The corresponding invoice can also be created and sent to the client’s mobile.

Don’t wait any longer and order your great project right now.

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