Pavilion – Marist College of Badajoz

Pavilion – Marist College of Badajoz

Reserve a sports track in the pavilion

Made in:  Plataforma Android   Plataforma iOS

Client: Marist School of Badajoz.


Plataforma Android   Plataforma iOS

About the project

Rent a sports court in just 2 minutes.

To manage all payments, one of the safest forms of the market will be used: Paypal. In the App you can pay both by PayPal and by credit card directly.

Select a track and rent it
Select a track and rent it

Applied technology

  • Native app on Android and iOS.
  • Intelligent management of tracks for bookings.
  • Application of promotional codes to obtain discounts.
  • Payments via PayPal and credit card.
  • App logo design.
  • Design with the corporate colors of the company.
  • SDK integration like Firebase Crashlytics and Performance.
  • Design and publication in the Play Store and App Store stores.

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